Spring is in the Air: Connecticut School Construction Lawyers Update
Spring is always an especially busy time of year for the Ciulla & Donofrio construction law practice. New projects have kicked off or are about to hit the street and many existing projects are in the home stretch. 2015 is no different. Here is an update on just a few of the projects we are working on with clients:
The North Haven Middle School renovate as new plus new academic addition, a $69 million project, will be let out to bid very soon. With a dedicated building committee and an outstanding construction team, the project promises to be a tremendous success, as was the last school construction project undertaken by the Town of North Haven, North Haven High School, a decade ago. We are delighted to be representing the Town and its Building Committee with regard to all aspects of the project.
Guilford High School, a 208,000 square foot new school, is heading towards the finish line. The Guilford High School Building Committee has done a remarkable job managing the $92 million project to keep it on time and within budget. Jeff Donofrio has been advising the Town and the GHSBC with regard to the Project since the beginning of the design phase.
Meanwhile, Centerplan Construction Company has begun construction of the new home of the Hartford Yard Goats. The stadium is slated to be completed in March 2016. We have been honored and privileged to represent Centerplan during its exciting period of explosive growth.